3 hour online course:

AI in the workplace

Welcome to AI in the workplace, an essential 3-hour online course tailored to help employees in British companies and public institutions understand and harness the power of AI to streamline their daily work, save a lot of time and make the workday more interesting. Jaw-dropping is guaranteed!

Why should you take this course?

What will you learn?

Who is this course for?

This course is for anyone who ticks the "I am not a robot" box when the option is presented. If you use a computer in your day-to-day work, regardless of industry or job role, this is an unusually essential course.

You do not need to have any previous experience of AI, or even the slightest technical ability, to benefit from the course.

Taking notes

To get the most out of this training, we recommend that you do not take notes during the course, but instead focus on mental presence.

Video Replay · The course is recorded and chaptered so you can easily jump to the right section and see what the trainer clicked on or what the concepts are called. Invaluable for those with busy lives.

The Alumni Group

The course also includes 12 months of ongoing expert help in our Alumni Group on Facebook. A really good education needs fantastic follow-up support.


Are you a complete beginner? No worries! :) You will receive a short pre-recorded video to help you prepare for the course. Watch this before the course session. It\'ll give you the basics that will make it easy for you to follow along during the course.

Your instructor Shrab Singh

Shrab Singh, an enterprise AI trainer, simplifies artificial intelligence and technologies like ChatGPT for enterprise use. With over a decade of experience in technology, he moved from managing various projects to AI training and strategy. He aims to bridge the gap between advanced AI and practical applications by creating impactful training programmes. Fluent in English, Spanish and Punjabi, Singh offers a global perspective on AI, driving organisations towards smarter decision-making and competitiveness. At his core, he believes in the transformative power of AI for business, providing tailored training and strategic advice to help organisations thrive in an AI-driven future. Join Singh to harness AI and shape the future of your business.

Book your spot

For more than 10 participants, or if you wish to book multiple participants on different dates, please call +44 (0)1700 385000 or email fredric@aiintheworkplace.co.uk.

AI for Teachers

ChatGPT 3.5


Predictive Modelling

AI Security


AI Governance


Random Forests

Data Lake

Data Science

Convolutional Neural Networks

Machine Vision

Data Collection

Supervised Learning

Algorithmic Trading

ChatGPT 4

ETL Tools

Machine Learning

AI Ethics

Transfer Learning


Automated Decision Making

Genetic Algorithms

Deep Learning

Real-time Neural Networks

AI Training

Data Mining

Office 263 CoPilot

Data Analysis

Bing CoPilot Enterprise

ChatGPT 6

Data Visualisation

Artificial General Intelligence

ChatGPT 4



AI Strategy

Windows CoPilot

ChatGPT 5

Microsoft CoPilot


Anomaly Detection




AI Regulations

Reinforcement Learning

Data Warehouse

AI-driven Recommendation Systems


AI Values

Bias in AI

Text Mining

AI Course

ChatGPT for Teachers

Unsupervised Learning

Data Processing

Regression Analysis

Decision Trees

Edge Computing

Statistical Learning

AI Policy

AI Kickoff

Time Series Modelling

Office CoPilot

Natural Language Processing

Semantic Analysis

AI in the Public Sector


Image Recognition


Neural Networks

Internet of Things

Federated Learning

Cloud Computing

Robotic Process Automation

Web Scraping

AI Conference

AI in Municipal Operations

Big Data

Data Integrity

Speech Recognition
